Photo Compositing

David was recently tasked with a photo compositing project that required photographing workout equipment for a company named Apollo Fitness Equipment. Specifically for their Iron Bull line of equipment.

They needed the photos quickly and there wasn’t time to locate a suitable gym location, and the logistics of shipping all the equipment there would have been a monstrous undertaking. So, David set up the shots in their warehouse on white and set them over stock photos later. Below are just a couple examples from the project.

The first photos are the original photos as shot on plain white paper as the background. The second is the composited image using the first photo placed over a stock photo as a background. David then manipulated the stock backgrounds to alter the look of the lighting and shadows in order to make them look as realistic of a final image as possible. Again, the backgrounds are not David’s photos, but stock photos

Composite Photo

photo compositing

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